Ken Owen

kenKen Owen is the Host and co-creator of The JuntoCast.

He is currently an Associate Professor of History at the University of Illinois at Springfield. He received his DPhil from the University of Oxford in April 2011. His first book, Political Community in Revolutionary Pennsylvania, 1774-1800, was published by Oxford University Press in 2019.

His research focuses on the history of political organization and mobilization during the American Revolution and Early Republic, with particular focus on extra-governmental forms of political activism. In it, he argues we need to understand the Revolution as a primarily political event in which the functioning of the new nation was most heavily influenced by ordinary citizens, as expressed through their political mechanisms. He is currently working on a book manuscript about the history of secession in the United States.

His personal website can be found here. He also runs a personal blog, The Committee of Observation and Inspection. His Twitter handle is @kenneth_owen.