The JuntoCast Returns for 2020!

We are pleased to announce that The JuntoCast, the first podcast devoted to early American history, has resumed production and new regular episodes on the political, religious, and cultural history of early America will begin being released in May 2020.

JuntoCasters Interviewed!

BFW 23Our repeat guest panelist, Liz Covart, is the host of her own very popular history podcast, Ben Franklin’s World. Her show launched last fall and has quickly become a staple in the world of history podcasts. Released weekly, each episode features an interview with a historian about their recent book. Liz recently broke that standard format to interview all three of us in an episode entitled, “A Discussion on Early American History with The JuntoCast.” Continue reading

Welcome to the New Website!

We would like to welcome you to the new website for The JuntoCast. This new website simply allows us to provide easier access to and more information about our episodes and the podcast in general. If this is you’re first time here, take a moment to read the home page for more information about the podcast and be sure to check out the Contributors page for more information about us, the podcast’s creators, and our many guest panelists. In addition, we have an “Archives” page that includes summaries for each episode as well as individual episode’s pages (the creation of which is in progress) with information about the episode, guests, and suggestions for further reading. Episodes can be streamed or downloaded from a number of places on the web site, including the SoundCloud player on the front page, from the “Archives” page, and from each individual episode’s page. The JuntoCast is now available on a number of podcast platforms—including the iTunes Store, SoundCloud, and Spreaker—and social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube (the links to which are on the front page sidebar). You can help support The JuntoCast by sharing our episodes and our website on those platforms.

We hope the new website will make it easier for listeners to listen to and learn from The JuntoCast. As always, we are truly grateful for all our listeners, who make the show worth the effort, and we are always interested in hearing from you. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email us at: thejuntocast [at] gmail [dot] com.